When Do Magnolias Bloom?

The magnolia tree is known for its beautiful large white blooms and their intoxicating scent. The Southern magnolia tree is perhaps the most well known, but magnolias can be grown in almost any region if you choose the right variety. The flower itself can be quite large and commands attention when the tree is in full bloom. Its waxy green leaves provide a beautiful foliage backdrop to these magnificent blooms and some evergreen varieties keep their cheery green leaves all year long.

Magnolias bloom from early spring into summer depending on the variety of the tree. The most common type of magnolia tree, the saucer magnolia, blooms from late February to April or the Southern magnolia, which blooms in the early summer months. The blooms usually hang around for about two weeks and provide a pretty spectacular showing.

when do magnolias bloom

How many times a year do magnolias bloom?

Magnolia trees can bloom twice a year but it is actually not very common and depends on the variety of the tree. The Saucer magnolia variety is one type that most often blooms twice a year in early Spring and mid to late summer.

Ensuring that your magnolia tree is well cared for can actually lengthen the bloom time. Be sure to provide adequate watering, soil that is rich in nutrients and that has a neutral pH or slightly acidic and proper pruning to lengthen the stay of the tree’s gorgeous white blooms.

Perhaps the variety that is thought of most when it comes to magnolia trees is the Southern magnolia, which blooms just once a year in the summer. If you have seen these in person or even seen the blooms used in wreaths or other arrangements then you know why they are so popular. The beautiful blooms are a large, white creamy color that sometimes measures up to an impressive 12” in diameter.

What does magnolia smell like?

Magnolia flowers are usually fairly fragrant and the smell and intensity can depend on the variety of the tree. The scent of the magnolia flower is often described as sweet, citrus, honey, or lightly fruity. Their fragrance is thought of as relaxing and is often used in spas or similar settings to invigorate the senses and provide a calming and tranquil environment.

Do magnolia trees lose their leaves?

Many magnolia trees are deciduous meaning that they will lose their leaves in the winter months, while evergreen green magnolias will keep their leaves throughout the entire year.

  • Deciduous magnolias: Deciduous magnolias typically grow in zone 5 through 9 and bloom in the early spring. They can, however, fall victim to late frost which can ruin the upcoming Spring bloom.
deciduous magnolias
  • Evergreen magnolias: There are two types of evergreen magnolias: the Southern magnolia and the Sweet Bay magnolia which grow best in zone 5 to 10. Evergreen magnolias, which retain their cheery green foliage throughout the year can liven up the dreary winter landscape of any yard.

Types of Magnolia Trees

This is by no means a complete list of magnolia tree varieties as there are over 200 species of this magnificent tree. However, below are some common types that many people are probably familiar with:

VarietyBloom TimeFlower color/shapeLeavesGrowing Zones
Southern MagnoliaMay – JuneTulip shaped in pink, white, or purpleevergreen6 – 10
Saucer (Chinese) MagnoliaFebruary – AprilWhite, pink, or purpledeciduous4 – 9
Star MagnoliaFebruary – AprilWhite or pinkdeciduous4 – 9
Sweet BayMay – JuneWhiteevergreen5 – 9

Why is my magnolia tree blooming in September?

It is normal to see your magnolia bloom from early spring until midsummer, but on a rare occasion, you might see your magnolia bloom in September and wonder what is going on. Your magnolia tree may be blooming in September due to a couple of factors:

  • Maturity – If you have a young, newly planted magnolia tree, it may not have been mature enough during the Spring or Summer months to produce blooms and may only be ready by early Fall.
  • Frost – If your tree was damaged in a severe winter frost, this could explain the late blossoming of your magnolia. The tree may simply be trying to restore its health during the time that it would have normally bloomed, leading to a later than normal bloom in the Fall.

The best thing to do if your magnolias bloom in September is to simply enjoy the unexpected show and wait until the next season when blooming should return to normal timing. Continue to maintain consistent watering and fertilizing the soil to maintain a healthy neutral or slightly acidic pH for the healthiest and longest lasting blooms.

How big do magnolia trees get?

A magnolia can range from a 7-8 foot shrub to a 50-70 foot tall tree depending on the variety. Common magnolia trees like the popular Southern magnolia can grow as tall as 30-50 feet, the Chinese saucer magnolia reaches 20-30 feet, the star magnolia at 15-20 feet, and the sweet bay just 10-20 feet. Common magnolia shrubs like the Ann Magnolia shrub reach 8-10 feet, the magnolia susan may be around 8-12 feet, and the genie magnolia grows to just around 10 feet.

Magnolias are a popular tree that can be grown in almost any region if you choose the right variety for your climate. There are over 200 species to choose from with different color blooms and overall tree height to fit your particular garden or yard. Proper care will ensure your magnolia will have maximum bloom time and allow you to enjoy them even longer. Magnolia blooms are so impressive that the flower and leaves are a popular choice to use in wreaths, especially during the holidays, and are often incorporated into home decor in Southern states in the U.S. If you are looking for the perfect addition to your yard or garden, a magnolia tree provides lush green foliage and beautiful fragrant flowers that are sure to wow you every year.

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