When To Divide Hostas

Hostas are a landscaping favorite for their lush green leaves and the way they fill out the space. Sometimes, though, they become too large for the area that they are planted in and it becomes necessary to divide them. Hostas can actually be quite expensive if you want to purchase several plants at a time, so dividing them is a great way to spread them throughout your landscaping without the expense of buying new plants.

The two best times to divide your hostas are in the Spring as they first start to pop up out of the ground and in the Fall when the temperatures have cooled off. At both times, you have about a 4 week window to divide and replant your hostas. In the Spring, you need to divide before the heat of the summer and in the Fall you need to divide before the plants die out for the Winter.

when to divide hostas

Dividing Hostas In The Spring

Dividing hostas in the Spring is an ideal time because the hosta eyes are just beginning to pop up out of the ground. This makes it much easier to see exactly where you want to divide the plant and how many eyes of the plant you are splitting up. It is almost much easier to move as the plant can become quite heavy when fully established. In the Spring, the foliage also requires less water than it does in the heat of the Summer months, so there is less stress on the plant overall.

Dividing Hostas In The Fall

While it may be a little more tricky to divide hostas in the Fall due to the size of the plant when it is fully grown out with its plentiful large leaves, it is still very possible. You will have about a four week window in the Fall as well before the plant begins to die and the ground becomes hard from the cold. When the ground becomes cold or the first frost occurs, it will be too hard on the plants to divide them and could set back their growth.

Fall can actually be a great time to divide hostas because as the plant is nearing its Winter dormant stage, the leaves do not require as much water and nutrients during this time. It also makes it easier to see how much of the plant you are splitting up and determine where you want to plant your new sections.

Should You Divide Hostas?

Dividing hostas is actually a good idea because if they become too crowded, they cannot reach their full growth potential. Actually, if your plants become too crowded, you may see some portions of the plant begin to yellow and wilt. Splitting hostas actually can create healthier plants overall.

It is also much more cost effective to divide and propagate your hostas rather than buying new plants. Hostas can be fairly expensive when bought as larger established plants, so take advantage of dividing your plants for free!

When To Cut Back Hostas

Hostas should be cut back in the Fall when the plant begins to wilt or turn brown, but healthy leaves can remain on the plant a while longer. All leaves, however, should be cut back after the first frost because insects, slugs, and other pests will start to invade the plant as winter approaches. You should also completely remove the trimmed foliage from the garden bed because dead plant matter will attract pests and disease. A great way to make the most of your plant is to compost the dead leaves for use in the Spring.

Preparing Hostas To Be Divided

Hostas are very tolerant of being divided, but there are a few things you can do to make the process easier on the plants. If it has recently rained and the ground is very saturated, it is best to let the soil dry out some to make separating the roots easier, but if the soil is just moist you can go ahead and begin to divide your plants with a few quick preparations:

  • Timing – Choose a time before the first expected frost of the season
  • Watering – Give them plenty of water the day before you plan to divide them
  • Pruning – Trim back any yellow or dead leaves and any flower stalks remaining on the plant
  • Replanting – Prep the area where you will be replanting the divided hosta

Taking Care Of Newly Divided Hostas

Once you divide your hostas and replant, but sure to give them a little extra care to make sure they thrive in their new location. Being divided and replanted can be a little hard on any plant, but hostas tolerate it very well. You should still be sure to water consistently, keeping the soil moist all the time. You can stick your first into the soil about an inch deep to test how moist the soil is and water accordingly. If the weather is still fairly warm, be especially mindful of newly divided plants that get a lot of direct sunlight. You can even mist the leaves themselves if the temperature outside gets unseasonably hot in the Spring or Fall after propagating your hostas.

How Often To Divide Hostas

You may consider dividing hostas anytime that they have outgrown their current spot in your garden. However, it’s a good idea to divide your hosta plants every 4 to 5 years if the need does not arise sooner than that. This will help keep your hostas happy, healthy, and lush all season long. I have also found the need to divide and replant hostas in a shadier spot because there was a bit too much sun in their previous spot in my yard.

In summary, hostas tolerate dividing really well and while you can do this at almost any point in the season, the ideal time will be Spring or Fall. With a few easy preparations, you should be able to get right to work and propagate some new hosta plants for your yard. Be sure to provide plenty of water throughout the process and especially after replanting. If you have never divided and propagated new plants, hostas are a great plant to start with because of their hearty nature.

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